VIDEO: Introduction- On SRD’s Practice
Here is a 2min introduction video made to help contextualize my new work in relationship with my practice as a whole. It was made for our current Covid world, when we could not do a presentation of our practice to the incoming MFA cohort.

Untitled #3044 at the DC Museum… minimized installation
Here are images and documentation of this piece set up at the Delaware Contemporary Museum, it is in a reduced form composed of 3 50″ monitors, set up in a triptych formation as opposed to multiple projections and interactive elements (motion sensing and spacial audio) driving the viewing. because of spatial limitations the monitors are… Read More ›

Installation: Untitled #3044, DC – sketches
Working on creating the installation of “Untitled #3044-Triggered Redundancy“ for the show at the Delaware Contemporary in Wilmington. I Have been trying to come up with an installation strategy that would work in a group show, specifically creating immersive space with a sonic environment while not distracting or affecting others in the space as well… Read More ›

Water Projects: Wetlands, Marshes, Swamps, Bogs, the story of dematerialized liminal spaces
Water In water, I’m interested in the social, economic, environmental, and cultural relationship that we have with water and all the challenges that are related to that. On the negative side of the equation, we have droughts and pollution, soil erosion , sea level rise, climate related issues that we’re all facing and dealing with.… Read More ›

VIDEO: Untitled #3044 “Triggered Redundancy”
This is a first pass at making a video walkthrough of a potential installation with the videos I am making from the sound compositions and all of the footage I shoot at the Dupont Experience Education wildlife area in Wilmington.

SOUND PIECE: Toute Seule –Theme
This piece I think is the main theme of the marsh project, it is trying to work through the loneliness felt when thinking of the overwhelming inevitability of the earth’s destruction by humanity. When standing in this wetland park, which is a pastiche of its original form, nestled between I95 and 495 expressways next to… Read More ›

SOUND PIECE: A Presence –Phase 1
I have been shooting these Marshes since Fall of 2019, as well as researching the natural and environmental history of Delaware, both in relationship to my artistic practice and as a Delaware State Master Naturalist. What I am finding and what I am reading is mostly a very upsetting, anger inducing, tale of the systematic… Read More ›

SOUND PIECE: Foghorns- sunrise on the river… Composition sketch 3
Third composition, visualizing a foggy moment on the river…

SOUND PIECE: Regalo Le Megalo- sunrise wakie wakie… Composition sketch 2
It is a cold fall morning in November, in the distance the cooling towers of the Salem Nuclear Power Plant, fatherless golems standing in static despair. The air is still, but electric, moisture rising slowly from the warm earth. Expecting a smorgasbord of insects to rush about trying to escape, hundreds of birds, rodents and… Read More ›

SOUND PIECE: A composition for Millenia-Trees a First pass —Composition sketch 1
1/22/2020: Probably my first ever real attempt at composition. After considering the level of interactions and negotiations necessary to work with a real composer to get a score for my video pieces, I decided to try to make audio sketches of possible directions for the current longform piece that I am working on. Most of… Read More ›

VIDEO: “Untitled” – A New Direction, New Possibilities
This work is a turning point in my understanding of my practice. Modeling possible directions from the results of research, reading, process writing, test shooting, sketching and discussing my ideas with Lance, Amy and my cohort, has allowed me to imagine a direction where the different ideals of art making I am captivated by, can coexist in my practice.

WRITING: The Potential of a New Direction, Clearer Intentions
I am embarking on a new phase of my practice, that I have been developing over the semester through writing, research and trial and error… Here is the newest version of my artist statement which present this new opportunity.

SRD In Practice: Mind Maps
Mapping Process, Methods, Ideas, Theories, Research into models of understanding… Taxonomy of influences; Themes and patters; Process Methodology

SOUND PIECE: An Absurd Laugh Track
Melancolic microphone check, the result of listening to the news of Donald Trump and the republican parties attempt at a slow mo coup d’etat; something unfamiliar to Americans but oh so natural to all of us who have lived through coups.

A sound piece made of this moment… This piece was made the week of November 5th 2020. It was presented in the entry hallway of Taylor Hall.Its optimum installation setup would have been on discreet/hidden shelving about head high to optimize the unsettling nature of the voices. (and yes this piece is a reference to… Read More ›